小六会考临近 社会力量呼吁减轻应试压力




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I remember hiding in my room crying for days and having my first round of depression after I got my PSLE results. 219. These numbers confirms it, I am a useless mediocre human being that will never amount to anything. These 3 numbers etched that conclusion into my mind for years. Looking back, those numbers meant nothing, so why the hell are we so focused on it?! - I want my kids’ childhood to be free and happy. I want them to understand that success comes in many forms and it should not be determined by anyone but yourself. - If you like me, believe we need a huge change in our education mindset, take a picture of yourself with your PSLE score and share your story with these hashtags. #morethananumber #lifebeyondgrades @lifebeyondgrades - Can’t wait to hear your journeys. Spread the word my friends




陈邦鋆的这个分享,是为了响应本地一组家长,在本周推出的名为“Life Beyond Grades”的活动。他们试图通过这项活动,呼吁公众重新看待成功的定义,减轻孩子们的应试压力,并进行教育系统和社会发展方面的模式改变。

这项运动发起后,得到了本地社会各界的支持,来自不同行业背景的人士纷纷通过社交媒体,大方公布当年自己那些“并不理想”的小六会考成绩,也分享自己的人生经历,以真实故事响应“Life Beyond Grades”的号召。


陈邦鋆同时也呼吁人们改变教育观念,并响应“Life Beyond Grades”活动,分享自己的小六会考成绩。

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When I was in primary school, my teacher used to tell me that if I don’t excel in my studies, I will be a nobody. She said that there is no future in pursuing the arts, unless if I want to paint HDBs in the future. However, I believe that learning is not confined by the classroom. It is a lifelong process. It does not mean that studying is not important. You just have to give your best in whatever you do and believe that the dots will connect in the future. Share your scores and your stories in the comments section, looking forward to hear your life journey @lifebeyondgrades #lifebeyondgrades #morethananumber






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Before I got my dream job of being in the entertainment industry, hosting, acting, and becoming a 987 DJ and working with my crazy partner in crime Sonia, I had to spend 8 years improving myself, working hard, learning lessons the hard way, building my character, learning how to deal with failure and rejection, learning how to deal with success (2006 - 2014) • Before those 8 years, I decided to take a leap of faith and pursue my dream on Singapore Idol. Dealing with criticism from the entire nation, nasty words said to me on forums, blogs, and Friendster...remember that? (2006) • Before Singapore Idol, I was in Chong Boon Secondary School. I ran for the school, hosted countless events for the school, dabbled in a bit of dancing, planned school camps, had a few of the the best years of my life there building myself as a person together with my inseparable group of friends and learning humility. (2001 - 2005) • Before all that...I got 197 for my PSLE. Heh (2000). • I’m not saying don’t study. I’m saying have the character to give whatever you do – whether studies or in life – your best. Character. • We have different paths in life. Discover it, and do not ever let your grades define you. If we judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree then it’s the thinking of the world that needs to change. Not you. :) • So. What’s your story beyond your PSLE grade? ;) • @lifebeyondgrades #LifeBeyondGrades #MoreThanANumber @soniachew @987fm #Singapore #987FM #HitMusic #WeAreRadio


新传媒987FM广播员Joakim Gomez也公开分享自己的小六会考成绩是197分。


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This is my PSLE score. Sure, I might have done well but many hours of play were sacrificed for it. The score and the sec school I went to didn’t really matter. I had to move to America at the end of the Sec 1 year and that’s where my real education began. Going to school there taught me the confidence to speak up and be heard. We were taught to question everything. Even the occasional racism taught me useful life lessons. When I came back to Singapore at age 17, no way was I gonna sit through A-levels. I couldn’t get into university here as my American high school diploma was not recognized, so I happily went to Poly and did Mass Comm. And now, I could not be more grateful for the education I received. I see now that everything I do for a living, from presenting in videos and on TV/Radio to emceeing events, has benefited from that very culture of speaking up. There is life beyond grades! . . @lifebeyondgrades is an initiative started by a group of parents concerned with the rising rates of depression in our children. It’s based on the premise that the results we got at age 12 do not define us or determine our future. Together, we aim to raise children who live their life to the fullest, happy and successful, understanding that there is life beyond grades. . . If you believe in #LifeBeyondGrades, share a photo of yourself with your PSLE score and tell your story. More parents and children need to hear it. Maybe it might remind children going through PSLE that no matter what their score will be, their life ahead is full of potential and possibilities! . . . @lifebeyondgrades #lifebeyondgrades #morethananumber


本地电台DJ杨意琳(Jamie Yeo)的小六会考成绩则较为出色,考出了263分的好成绩。不过,之后前往美国求学的经历,则让她在17岁再度回国后,失去了竞争大学学位的机会,但她却对此丝毫不感到遗憾。


“Life Beyond Grades”在官方网上上贴文表示,家长们发起这项运动的原因,是因为关注到本地青少年日渐增长的压力、抑郁情绪以及自杀率。他们希望通过这项运动,让人们关注到坚韧、激情、创新等品格的价值。

- CH8/YW

  • 发表于 2019-08-02 20:47
  • 阅读 ( 438 )
  • 分类:留学

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