
这两天本人非常不爽,想借此贴告诫一下朋友们。本人刚过25,来新已经7个月了,前4个月只是实习在一家公司,后三月到另一家公司帮忙,basic salary is 2600+housing allowance 1800=4400, 后面的这家公司老板许诺我如果在他那作,给我加薪。本人大悦,于是与前面的公司摊派,还惹得老板不高兴。可是谁知道现在的这家老板说把我的basic salary加到4400,没有housing allowance了,能得我十分不爽,旧公司又会不去了,有种被愚弄得感觉。虽说保证有2。5到3个月的bonus,但已经没有激情了,要租房子还要养mm,生活也不算太富裕。

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2 个回答


hehe, I feel pity to you
I think money is not everyting ba...

love the job... most important..

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ok, think from the bright side
your base salary has been greatly increased, which is important for your next move.

but agree with you, should not make a move before things written black and white and blood signed on it...

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