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毛这个时候应该拿出来做反面教材, 他闭关守国, 跟现在的缅甸政府有得一比
封锁消息, 拒绝援助。


真正伟大的是那些士兵, 他们也许出身贫穷, 他们也许经常被克扣军饷, 但关键时刻卖命的还是他们。

中国的体制还是有很多问题, 反思问题, 不断提高才是正道。 这样去盲目的去吹捧对国家没有什么帮助。

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Lions Club Respond to China Earthquake

Dear fellow Lions,

I want to update you on LCIF’s response to the devastating 7.9 magnitude earthquake that struck central China on Monday, May 12. LCIF is mobilizing US$1.5 million to aid Lions-led relief efforts in China.

Lions and LCIF are already responding to the powerful, massive earthquake. Lions in Hong Kong and Macau have raised US$600,000 and LCIF has committed an initial grant of US$500,000 to address immediate needs and provide medicines, clothing, blankets, water purification and temporary housing.

Local Lions have already sent 5,000 tents for displaced victims, and more are on the way. Through a vast network of Lions clubs members in Hong Kong and China, Lions and LCIF are also dispatching relief teams to the affected areas to deliver supplies and assist with hands-on relief efforts.

The Foundation expects donations from Lions around the world to surpass US$400,000 in the first week. Your donations will support both immediate and long-term reconstruction efforts. Every dollar that you donate will go directly toward the relief efforts in China. Please visit the LCIF Web site to contribute. http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/content/lions_lcif_earthquake.shtml

he gift of sighta result, theret to so many around the world. funds raised during the campaign.

For more information about LCIF’s relief efforts for the Chinese earthquake, please view the Foundation’s Web site. (http://www.lionsclubs.org/EN/content/lions_lcif_earthquake.shtml)This page will continue to be updated regularly with response efforts. Please distribute this release to your local media.

Together, Lions can bring a sense of hope and healing to those greatly affected by this disaster.

Yours in Lionism,

Jimmy M. Ross

Chairperson, LCIF

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